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Provided by George Harwood Enterprises, Inc.

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Stopping Distances

The below distances assumes 3/4 of a second reaction time; dry, clean, level pavement with a standard passenger car.

SpeedReactionStoppingTotal Stopping
MPH DistanceDistance   Distance
20 MPH 22 ft   26 ft  48 ft
30 MPH 33 ft   60 ft  93 ft
40 MPH 44 ft  106 ft 150 ft
50 MPH 55 ft  166 ft 221 ft
60 MPH 66 ft  240 ft 306 ft
70 MPH 77 ft  326 ft 403 ft

Actual stopping distance depends on many factors including:
1. Mental and physical reaction of driver.
2. Type and condition of pavement.
3. Tire type, composition, tread depth.
4. chassis design.
5. Brake type, condition and balance.

From the 2003 Georgia Drivers Manual
Georgia Department of Motor Vehicle Safety